
  1. Timings Related
  2. Dress Code
  3. Food Related
  4. Course technical & Self Development

Timings Related

  1. Course 
    1. Morning : 07.30-08.30
    2. 08.30-09.30 – Morning Breakfast (german style)
    3. 09.30-11.00
    4. 11.15 – 13.00
    5. 13.00-15.00- lunch and break
    6. 15.00-16.00 – Yoga Nidra
    7. 16.00-18.00- Evening session
    8. 18.30- dinner (Porridge)

Dress code

  1. Whats the dress code for Advanced course ?
    • White in classes, rooms of personal choice and outside recommended White but still your choice. (Comfortable white loose t-shirts and white pants). Request to avoid tight pants
  2. Why is white dress code compulsory for residential Gurumahans Advanced course ?
    • White represents calmness, also has all colours integrated in itself and also Light within
    • Its pleasing for the eyes and brings down sense attraction which is one important step of Yoga (Pratyahara)
  3. Is white dress compulsory at all times of the day or only during mornings?
    • All times whenever there are sessions
  4. Do we need to bring our own towels ?
    • Yes
  5. Are there rules to not Smoke/ drink alchohol) ?
    1. Would request to avoid smoking or drinking throughout the course

Food Related

  1. Should we diet during the advanced course ?
    • Not needed but food needs to be taken in right quantity neither too much nor too less.
  2. Is there any dietary restrictions during the course ?
    • Food given is vegetarian german style.
    • Recommended is to have sufficiently that we do not feel hungry but at the same time stomach light.

Course technical & Self Development

  1. Do we need to bring our own yoga mats and meditation pillows(kissen)?
    • Seminarhaus do provide a white mattress for the course we can sit on it and also do every other practise
    • Ashram has a similar thicker arrangement as well, in case of overnight Yoga Nidra session this could also serve as the bed
    • For Yoga mats for doing Suryanamaskar , its advised to bring your own we will support by bringing 10 pieces anyway
  2. Do we need to bring our own water bottles , pen, notebook ?
    • Yes please bring your own notebooks, diaries
    • You will be given some feedback forms
    • Also please have a waterbottle always, with all breathing practices it will be needed
  3. What is the language in which the advanced course is given ?
    • In Concept sessions (Satsang), mostly in English from Gurumahan and if concepts are difficult then translated into English
    • For those people with only German, case specific translations
    • Language will be transcended during the practices
  4. As a first time participant what I can expect from the advanced course ?
    • Self discovery means a lot of transformation and changes to mindset and values we hold.
  5. What will be the challenges during the advanced course ?
    • Changing of bio rhythm to waking at 4 – 4:30 in morning
  6. How to prepare myself for the Advanced course ?
    • Observe the Crown chakra Atma Vibration very well have good rest and focus more on your self
  7. Whats the course structure for the advanced course?
    • 4 stages of concentration (Mooladara, Forehead eye , Crown Chakra, Backbrain meditation)
    • Cleansing of our subsconscious mind
    • Self analysis
  8. Are all the sessions given by Gurumahan ?
    • Most of the sessions are given directly by Gurumahan with support of GnanaAsiriyars (wisdom teachers, we have 5 of them in this course)
    • The evening breathing sessions and possibly morning session can be given by Wisdom Teachers
  9. How much of the time for our self do we have ?
    • Afternoon and evening (depending upon chemistry of the group) is for self
  10. Is it a serious course or we also have fun activities ?
    • We are going to have serious fun there will be both calmness  sessions and also dynamic sessions
    • Reserved for experience
  11. Do we get a certificate for the Advanced course ?
    • Certificate from Universal Peace Foundation – Europe signed by Gurumahan
  12. I am Yoga teacher, How much does credit do i get from the course ?
    • 35 Hours as this is a intense course
  13. Can everyone participate in this course , what are the qualifications for the course ?
    • No not everyone can participate, the participant must have received 3 initiations from a wisdom teacher of UPF
  14. Am already a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher from another institute , can i attend ?
    • No because this system of initiation is not present in most schools and even if they are present the formal initiation bringing the energy bond with the Guru is a must
  15. Why is that Gurumahan alone gives the advanced course and not other trainers ?
    • Dimension of the practise is possible only for a master like Guru to give
  16. Should silence be adhered to in advanced course or can we speak with each other ?
    • Most of the prana (vital life energy) is lost through speech. Silence preserves Prana and takes person deeper
    • Its not mandatory but discussing or listening to co-practioners also help the meditation practise
    • Best advised to practise some Silence hour from time to time
    • Group interactions are also encouraged and many ideas and projects can spring up between different people
    • Social integration and exchange is also one of goals of organising this Residential course.


23. July 2017
Topics Timings Related Dress Code Food Related Course technical & Self Development Timings Related Course  Morning : 07.30-08.30 08.30-09.30 – Morning Breakfast (german style) 09.30-11.00 11.15 – […]