Step by Step Procedure for Meditation
This is the full meditation , on days when you dont find time Step 1,2 can be skipped
- Get on your knees
- Place your hand in a Triangle
- bring your forehead in the middle of the triangle with elbows down
- Keep the Hips High
- Deeply Exhale and relax brain heart and stomach
- Deeply Exhale and relax the breath
- Let the Meditation give whatever is needed by you

Guru Salutation
Place your hands together in namaskar with index finger tonuching the forehead eye deeply inhale and exhale 3 times
“Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwarah Guru Sakshad Parabrahmam tasmai sri Guruve namaha”
Step 1: Bending & Twisting Excercises
- Hold both the fingers in chin mudra and placing them on the knee for each Chakra
- (Moolaradara,Swadhistana,Maipuraha,Anahata,Vishuddi,Agnya) and Sahasrara – 7 times
- Bend forward on the left side and take your chin towards the outside of the knee
- Come up and do the same on the right side
Twisting Excercises
Step a: While Bending forward exhale and count 1,2,3
Step b: Count 4,5,6 hold the air and keep the thought at the particular chakra
Step c: Inhale 7,8,9 and come up to erect position
Step d: Hold the breath for 10,11,12 and now do the right side
Step 2 : Salutation to the Pancha Bhootas( Five Elements) , Wisdom and SOUL
1. Sit in Vajrasana
2. Lean bend forward and and then come up
- Salute the EARTH priniciple at Mooladara , base of spine
- Salute the WATER priniciple at Swadhistana , ( two inch below your navel point)
- Salute the FIRE priniciple at MANIPURAHA , the stomach region
- Salute the AIR priniciple at the ANAHATA , the chest region
- Salute the SPACE principle at the VISHUDDI , the throat region
- Salute the WISDOM priniciple at the Forehead Region
- Salute the ATMA (Self) priniciple at the Top head region
Step 3: Salutation to Mother Father and the Guru
- Sit in normal Meditation position
- Fold your thumb and then the 4 fingers ,and place it on the knees.This is called Aadhi Mudra
- In Aadhi Mudra , think of your mother in the forehead eye , exhale lean bend forward and salute your mother.
- In Aadhi Mudra , think of your father in the forehead eye , exhale lean bend forward and salute your father.
- In Aadhi Mudra , think of your SATGURU, exhale lean bend forward and salute your Guru
Step 4 : Meditation
- Sit in a comfortable posture with neck , spinal cord and head Erect.
- Keeps your eyes gazed at the tip of the nose.
- Concentrate your mind on the place between the eye brows for first five minutes and move the concentration to the Top head eye and focus for 15 minutes
- You will experience the pulse or a a pressure or a Inner feeling of a ant crawling , now keep your mind attentive to that divine vibration
If the eyes close automatically after 3-5 minutes ,then one need not strain to to gaze at the tip of the nose.
Wishing positive Thoughts
Before you finish the Meditation , Do the Blessings Spread the “blissful (peaceful) vibrations” or the “energy” to yourself, your family, your parents, your friends, your spouse, your children, your work place, your city, your country, the whole world and then Universe and Offer the Selfless thought
Let all beings attain peace and happinessReceiving Cosmic Energy - aavahanam
After finishing the meditation , rub your hands 5 times and place them on the eyelids .Feel the warmth emanting from the center of your palms throught the eyelids. Do it again. Now raise your hands and receive the Energy 12 inches above your head from the Dwadasantha center in the center of your palms and descend the energy through the center of the spine from the top of the head. Mentally think let my intellect be purified and energized. Again raise your hands and receive the energy and descend and mentally think let mind become peaceful. Again raise your hands and receive the energy and descend it from top of the head to base of the spine and then to legs ,hands and fingers and mentally think let body become fit and healthy. Now bend forward and offer yourself to the Satguru mentally offering “Satguruve Saranam”.
Step 5 : Blessings to the World
Keep your hands in namaskara Mudra , thumb touching the forehead eye and mentally say
Let Wisdom Flourish;
Let peace Prevail;
Let us protect Satya Yuga by the Grace of the Divine
Long Live Mother Earth , Long Live Universe
Pancha Anga namaskar
- Get on your knees
- Place your hand in a Triangle
- bring your forehead in the middle of the triangle with elbows down
- Keep the Hips High
- Deeply Exhale and relax brain heart and stomach
- Deeply Exhale and relax the breath
- Let the Meditation give whatever is needed by you