Gnanam means wisdom, peedam means the place .

The Gnanapeedam is located in Thirumurthi Hills in course of Western Ghats. Thirumurthi Hills is highly praised for its spiritual abundance with prevalent of the divine vibration of so many Rishis. It is also referred as “ThenKailayam (South Kailash)” in the ancient literatures.

About 100 Kms from the Coimbatore Railway station. About 18 Kms from the Udumalapet. The Gnanapeedam is open from 5.00 AM to 9.00 PM everyday.

You can stay in the Gnanapeedam. Accommodation and food are provided to the people who are coming to the Gnanapeedam.

Accommodation will be provided according to availability. Prior intimation is necessary through e-mail or phone.

Pure Saatvic Vegetarian Food (Irai prasadam) blessed with divine energy is served in the Ashram.

Udumalpet is the closest town (18-KM) and Coimbatore is the closest City (100-KM) to the Gnanapeedam.

In this way our Gnanapeedam has been established for the spiritual awareness and to awaken the spiritual divine energy in every individual seeking to God/Supreme realization.


