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Founder of Universal Peace Foundation (UPF)
Kundalini Guru living in South India,Thirumurthi Hills.
Performs 21 day Penance in silence for every year from 1989 for Transformation of world.
Welcome to Universal Peace Foundation - Europe
At Mahasakthi, we teach Kundalini Meditation to raise oneself from a Body-Mind-consciousness (lower) to Self-Inner-Conscious state (Higher). Our methods are tuned for common folks who have never touched yoga or meditation before like a mother, a engineer, a Business Enterpreneur, a top level executive, normal worker or school going kid. We live in information world bombarded by lots of information and data which has courrupted our breath, overworked our minds and tired our beings.
What we offer to prepare is by improving the quality of breath , the quality of life can be transformed. By proper breathing and breathless fourth state of Self consciousness, health , joy and well being is natural result for the sincere meditative practioner
The UG based organisation is a child organisation of Universal Peace Foundation , India and all that our teachers is product of Gurumahan Paranjothiar, a modern enlightened Yogi from SouthIndia
Vision of UPF is “Universal Peace through Individual Peace”
Health Values
Yoga teaches us, literally, how to master our minds and bodies in a organic way. Physical and psychological Health are basic gifts of regular yoga practise. Mastery of breath gives mastery of life , space and time
Feel Good
Bright Mind
Exercise More
Symbiosis Always
Our Teachers

Responsible for Universal Peace Foundation Europe Yogic practioner since 2002.
Initiating people as Kundalini Wisdom Teacher into Shakti path since 2009.
Teaching Yoga since 2008 in Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich and Ingolstadt.

Paranjothi Kannan MSc(Yoga) Yoga teacher and organizer of UPF (Universal Peace Foundation -Ashram) from India and has 18 years of experience in the practice and teaching of Yoga, Mediation and Reiki.

Jayaprakash Engineer by profession. Has immense experience in energy healing and has 18 years experience teaching yoga and mediation. A Paranjothi Nadi reader also receives message from the Master

Sujatha has 10 years of experience with meditation and yoga is from Frankfurt. Full-time yoga teacher and also offers Akasha Chornik reading.
Our Yoga Programs

MSY is the harmonisation of the 4 layers of human existence that are body, mind, wisdom(intellect), Self.

Stress, Well Being, Engagement , Productivity, Lack of time , too many emails , Gesundheit, Time, cost, Quality .

The biggest benefit of Kundalini Meditation is stimulation of good thoughts in ones mind.
Universal Peace Foundation (Gnanapeedam ),India
The Gnanapeedam is located in Thirumurthi Hills in course of Western Ghats. Thirumurthi Hills is highly praised for its spiritual abundance with prevalent of the divine vibration of so many Rishis. It is also referred as “ThenKailayam (South Kailash)” in the ancient literatures.
About 100 Kms from the Coimbatore Railway station. About 18 Kms from the Udumalapet. The Gnanapeedam is open from 5.00 AM to 9.00 PM everyday.

33வது வேள்வி நிலைப்பாடு – குரு மகாத்மியம் இடைகாட்டு சித்தர் மொழி
இந்த வேள்வி நிலைகளை தலைமை ஏற்று மொழிந்தவர் பல்குணி சித்தர் ஆவார். சித்த லோக மகாஜமிக்கைகள் என்ற சித்த புருஷர்கள் குருமகானை முக்கண்ணன் என்றும் ,பரஞ்ஜோதி குடும்பத்தை நிகுல வம்சம் என்றே அழைப்பார்கள். Highlights குரு
FAQ Advanced Course
Topics Timings Related Dress Code Food Related Course technical & Self Development Timings Related Course Morning : 07.30-08.30 08.30-09.30 – Morning Breakfast (german style) 09.30-11.00 11.15 –