What is Stress?
Stress from point of view of Yoga is the clogging of the nadis psychically and physical constriction of Brain and nervous System. This is much like the clogged water pipe resulting in inefficient Water flow. Same way Stress blocks brain/body energy flows.
Stress relief with MahaShakthiYogam – PranaShakthi
MahaShakthiYogam – PranaShakthi is tailored for the Corporate World was given as research and following observations were made by practioners in a 8 week course
- Longer deeper relaxed breath
- More mental space
- Emotional calm
- The patterns return in 1 to 3 days
Cause of Stress (Mental)
- More demands than resources
- Less time , more work to do
- More multitasking with same areas of brain leading to drop in productivity
- German government health report says 52% of the working Germans are under Stress
- One dimensional activities
- In todays world , specialist function often leads to a person working on the same task for more than 8 hrs a day
- As the same part of the brain is used resulting in tiredness + Brain alternating every 90 mins from left to right, same part of brain is put under tremendous workload . The others parts of the brain suffer from Lack of work
- When the brain says “No” we take stimulants like coffee, choclates etc to put more pitta (heat) in to the brain and force it to work
- People who work with their brains are found to have more Uric acid deposition over a prolonge exposture
Measuring Stress - Stress is measured inversely proportional to the depth of breath
Breath | Stress Levels | Number |
Throat | Stress++++(>6 months) | 5 |
Chest | Stress+++(>3 months) | 4 |
Between Navel and Chest | Day or Week Stress | 3 |
Navel | Relaxed(minimal stress) | 2 |
Below Navel | Happy | 1 |
Principle – Deeper the Breath, Lesser the Stress