Vijay Radhakrishnan

Origin :
MahaShakthi GnanaAcharya from Universal Peace Foundation, India.

Responsible for Universal Peace Foundation – Europe Yogic practioner since 2002.
Initiating people as Kundalini Wisdom Teacher into Shakti path since 2009.

Teaching Yoga since 2008 in Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich and Ingolstadt .

A freelance  engineer with 10+ years experience in German Industry.


Vijay Radhakrishnan, born in 1983, is a Kundalini MahaShakthi practioner under grace of a living Kundalini Master Jagathguru MahaaMahaRishi Paranjothiar. An authorised GnanaAcharya to initiate others into the path of the Kundalini by offering the initiation of Third Eye and Sahasrahara

The quest for Advaitic truth started from 10 years and this search through various practices culminated in becoming , at the age of 19, a disciple of Gurumahan Maharishi Paranjothiar.


The problems of the individual and the world are rooted in Ignorance of not knowing what Dharma is , not being able to follow it even knowing it and society not being conducive for leading a Dharmic life.

The ancient Indian system was rooted in the inner practices which created a Dharmic individual society and hence the world.

The inner Spiritual path and the energies need to revived in the modern scientific world and a scientific expression of spirituality is needed for inner transformation of the individual. This is what precisely the initiation and practise of the Kundalini MahaShakthi offers.